WhyTry : Physical Metaphor Posters.Posters used for teaching resilience to K-12 students.
From the publishers website:
“The Reality Ride” uses a picture of a
rollercoaster to demonstrate that each decision
we make has a consequence. The decisions we make today directly affect the future.
“Tearing Off Your Label” teaches that negative
labels can hurt your future, and positive labels can help you achieve your goals and attain better opportunities. Ultimately, the label you wear depends on you: you can change your negative labels by changing your actions and showing others your positive traits.
“Defense Mechanisms” teaches that pressure
situations are best handled by maintaining
control of our emotions and selecting positive
defense mechanisms (those that don’t hurt
yourself or others).
“Climbing Out” teaches that when you put the tools from the visual metaphors into action, and when you develop an awareness of the positive and negative ways that others can influence you, you will be prepared to avoid negative behaviors and their consequences.
“Jumping Your Hurdles” teaches that while
everyone experiences setbacks, successful
people “jump back up” and keep trying. They
know that there are certain steps they can use to
help them overcome their challenges and
achieve success.
“Desire, Time, and Effort” teaches that
anything worthwhile in life requires desire,
time, and effort. There are no shortcuts to
achieving success. You will get much further in life by working hard than simply relying on
your talents or abilities.
“Lift the Weight” teaches that living by laws
and rules and developing self-discipline will
make you stronger, opening the doors of
opportunity for the future.
“Get Plugged” teaches that getting help is not a weakness, it is a strength! Challenges become easier when you have a positive support system
to help you overcome them. YOU have the
power to create a support system if you don’t
have one. YOU have the power to strengthen
that support system if yours is weak.
“The Wall” teaches that when you have a clear
vision of your future, you have hope for
something better, and life’s challenges becomes
nothing but temporary obstacles. On the other
hand, when you have a limited perspective, it is
hard to see beyond the day-to-day challenges.
Each step to the top of the wall represents one
of the principles taught in the WhyTry Program.
“The Motivation Formula” is the foundation of
the entire WhyTry Program. It uses a picture of
a river running through dams to show how you
can take your challenge and channel them into
positive motivation: first to better yourself, then
to turn outward and help others.