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Executive Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership and Innovation

Library Information for Doctoral Students

Welcome to the guide for the Executive Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership and Innovation program. This guide will help you navigate the library resources and will help you with your research.

The best place to start your research is by searching out entire collection through our Discover! tool on the library homepage, or below. This will give you the widest search across all of our databases so you will not miss out on any interdisciplinary research. Once you start you search, you can narrow down and perfect your search to find the best possible resources.

Find books, articles, videos, etc....

Narrowing your Discover! Search

Once you get started searching you will notice that you will get back a very large number of results, unless your original search is too narrow, This a good problem to have because from here we can refine that search to get it closer to what we specifically are looking for,




When you search in Discover, you have a number of facets on the left side you can use to narrow your search. These include:

 - Format - book, video, journal etc.

- Content Type - Full text, peer reviewed, non-fiction etc.

- Publication year

- Author

- Subject

- and a few other lesser used options


You can also change the holdings level. You can narrow down to just what we own at Saint Francis, or discover titles available at other libraries that you can request through Interlibrary Loan.