Functional performance in older adults. by Bonder, B. R. & Bello-Haas, V. D.Support the very best health, well-being, and quality of life for older adults! Here's the ideal resource for rehabilitation professionals who are working with or preparing to work with older adults! You'll find descriptions of the normal aging process, discussions of how health and social factors can impede your clients' ability to participate in regular activities, and step-by-step guidance on how to develop strategies for maximizing their well-being.
Call Number: PERMANENT RESERVE [Ask at Circulation Desk] 616.8916 L7857
ISBN: 9781569002940
Publication Date: 2010
Physical dimensions of aging. by Spirduso, W. W., Francis, K. L., & MacRae, P. L.The physical aging process progresses every day;and so does our understanding of it. This resources will keep students and professionals up to date on the outcomes of the latest research studies and their implications for the elderly in the real world. Physical aging affects us cognitively, psychologically, socially, and spiritually. The book discusses how people age physically and how this aging affects other dimensions of life.
Call Number: GENERAL [Lower Level] 612.67 S7591 2005, Faculty Reccomended
The ICE (International Clinical Educators) Video Library contains video clips divided into the following categories: Musculoskeletal, Nervous System, Mental & Behavioral, Respiratory, Settings, and Pediatric. There are also 3 StrokeHelpĀ® Online Courses. The videos are useful for faculty and students in physical therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy assistant and occupational therapy assistant programs.