The cartoon guide to statistics by Gonick, L. & Smith, W.If you have ever looked for P-values by shopping at P mart, tried to watch the Bernoulli Trails on "People's Court," or think that the standard deviation is a criminal offense in six states, then you need The Cartoon Guide to Statistics to put you on the road to statistical literacy. The Cartoon Guide to Statistics covers all the central ideas of modern statistics: the summary and display of data, probability in gambling and medicine, random variables, Bernoulli Trails, the Central Limit Theorem, hypothesis testing, confidence interval estimation, and much more—all explained in simple, clear, and yes, funny illustrations. Never again will you order the Poisson Distribution in a French restaurant!
Call Number: GENERAL [Lower Level] 519.5 G638
ISBN: 0062731025
Publication Date: 1993
The fascination of statistics by Brook, R.Written by experts in a broad range of fields, this outstanding book shows how statistical thinking and methods help answer questions in a wide variety of subjects -- including law, medicine, psychology, geography, and more. The Fascination of Statistics permits readers with little formal statistical training to understand and enjoy demonstrations of how numbers open up new ways of thinking about problems ... addresses current issues for which statistics has practical applications ... classifies articles according to methodology, including probability, condensing data, testing, estimation, experimental design, prediction, and modelling ... begins each subject with a real problem and its statistical solution ... and includes numerous tables, equations, and delightful line drawings that add further dimensions to the contents. The Fascination of Statistics is essential reading for students and teachers of statistics; professionals in mathematics, biometry, economics, psychology, law, geography, agriculture, city planning, biology, computer science, and other fields to which statistics can be applied; and general readers interested in statistics. It is also excellent supplementary reading in applied statistics courses. Book jacket.
Probability, statistics and truth by Von Mises, R.This comprehensive study of probability, its relation to statistics, and its truth-finding value considers the approaches of Pascal, Laplace, Poisson, and others. It also discusses Laws of Large Numbers, the theory of errors, and other relevant topics. Numerous examples complement the text.
Call Number: GENERAL [Lower Level] 519.2 V947 1981
Sampling statistics by Fuller, W.Discover the latest developments and current practices in surveysampling Survey sampling is an important component of research in manyfields, and as the importance of survey sampling continues to grow, sophisticated sampling techniques that are both economical andscientifically reliable are essential to planning statisticalresearch and the design of experiments. "Sampling Statistics"presents estimation techniques and sampling concepts to facilitatethe application of model-based procedures to survey samples. The book begins with an introduction to standard probabilitysampling concepts, which provides the foundation for studyingsamples selected from a finite population. The development of thetheory of complex sampling methods is detailed, and subsequentchapters explore the construction of estimators, sample design, replication variance estimation, and procedures such as nonresponseadjustment and small area estimation where models play a key role.A final chapter covers analytic studies in which survey data areused for the estimation of parameters for a subject mattermodel. The author draws upon his extensive experience with surveysamples in the book's numerous examples. Both the production of"general use" databases and the analytic study of a limited numberof characteristics are discussed. Exercises at the end of eachchapter allow readers to test their comprehension of the presentedconcepts and techniques, and the references provide furtherresources for study. "Sampling Statistics" is an ideal book for courses insurvey sampling at the graduate level. It is also a valuablereference for practicing statisticians who analyze survey data orare involved in the design of sample surveys.
Statistics: a guide to the unknown by Tanur, J.This collection of intriguing essays describes important applications of statistics and probability in many fields. Instead of teaching methods, the essays illustrate past accomplishments and current uses of statistics and probability. Surveys, questionnaires, experiments, and observational studies are also presented to help the student better understand the importance of the influence of statistics on each topic covered within the separate essays.
Call Number: GENERAL [Lower Level] 519.5 S797 1989
Using statistics: a gentle introduction by Rugg, G.Guides readers through the field of statistics from the descriptive statistics to multidimensional approaches. This book includes illustrative examples that guide readers through: how to answer various types of research question; how to use different forms of analysis; and, the strengths and weaknesses of particular methods.
Workshop statistics: discovery with data and the graphing calculator by Rossman, A. & Von Oehsen, B.This textbook is an adaptation of Workshop Statistics, a workbook on statistics which stresses hands-on learning and incorporates graphing calculator use. Examples and exercises have been modified for use with the graphing calculator. Short computer program code is included in appendices, for use in programming calculators. Over 90 activities are included in the book.
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