Understanding ChemistryThis website contains hundreds of different sections to help with the understanding of inorganic chemistry.
Inorganic Chemistry JournalThe Inorganic Chemistry Journal contains fundamental research in all aspects of the theory and practice of inorganic chemistry.
ChemSpiderChemSpider is a free chemical structure database providing fast access to over 57 million structures, properties, and associated information. By integrating and linking compounds from ~500 data sources, ChemSpider enables researchers to discover the most comprehensive view of freely available chemical data from a single online search. It is owned by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
SciTech ConnectYour connection to science, technology, and engineering research information from the U.S. Department of Energy
SciTech Connect is a portal to free, publicly-available DOE-sponsored R&D results including technical reports, bibliographic citations, journal articles, conference papers, books, multimedia, software, and data information, and was developed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) to increase access to science, technology, and engineering research information from DOE and its predecessor agencies. OSTI is a program within DOE's Office of Science, the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States. Our mission is to advance science and sustain technological creativity by making R&D findings available and useful to DOE researchers and the American people. Visit About OSTI to learn more.
Recommended Library Books
Advanced inorganic chemistry by Cotton, F. A. & Wilkinson, G.Incorporates the many new chemical developments, particularly the more recent theoretical advances in the interpretation of bonding and reactivity in inorganic compounds. Provides a reasonable achievement for advanced students, as it encompasses the chemistry of all chemical elements and their compounds, including interpretative discussion in light of the advances in structural chemistry, general valence theory, and ligand field theory. It covers the periodic table systematically, and special chapters treat metal atom clusters, reaction mechanisms, metal carbonyls, and bio-inorganic chemistry. Since the Fourth Edition, descriptive chemistry has been increased and theoretical material decreased where necessary.
Inorganic chemistry by Swaddle, T. W.This book addresses the question, What is inorganic chemistry good for? rather than the more traditional question, How can we develop a theoretical basis for inorganic chemistry from sophisticated theories of bonding? The book prepares students of science or engineering for entry into the multi-billion-dollar inorganic chemical and related industries, and for rational approaches to environmental problems such as pollution abatement, corrosion control, and water treatment. A much expanded and updated revision of the 1990 text, Applied Inorganic Chemistry (University of Calgary Press), Inorganic Chemistry covers topics including atmospheric pollution and its abatement, water conditioning, fertilizers, cement chemistry, extractive metallurgy, metallic corrosion, catalysts, fuel cells and advanced batter technology, pulp and paper production, explosives, supercritical fluids, sol-gel science, materials for electronics, and superconductors. Though the book waswritten as a textbook for undergraduates with a background of freshman chemistry, it will also be a valuable sourcebook for practicing chemists, engineers, environmental scientists, geologists, and educators.
Physical inorganic chemistry by Kettle, S. F.Inorganic chemistry has in recent years been changing dramatically, with coordination chemistry in particular undergoing a striking resurgence of interest.... FROM LONG DESCRIPTION
Bioinorganic chemistry by Kaim, W. & Schwederski, B.This book provides a clear and concise introduction to the rapidly growing field of bioinorganic chemistry. The first part of the book deals with the function and occurrence of inorganic elements in living organisms, while later chapters address the applications of these biominerals, inorganic electrolytes and inorganic compounds in fields such as chemotherapy and radiodiagnostics.
Synthesis and technique in inorganic chemistry by Angelici, R. J.This book illustrates our understanding of the natural world via findings of studies in geochemistry, biochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, environmental chemistry, and other areas, in the context of the general chemistry of the elements. It is divided into two parts: the first provides an account of the Earth - its physics and chemistry, its structure and dynamics - emphasising the varied roles played by the elements in combination with one another. It demonstrates how elemental chemical behaviour dictates both their own environmental significance and the nature of our environment. The second part considers the elements in alphabetical order, and provides a comprehensive reference resource in its own right. Fully cross-referenced, this book is clear, precise, and will have wide appeal as either a supplementary text to an undergraduate inorganic and environmental chemistry course, as well as an essential resource for all those interested in the scientific study of the environment.
Biological inorganic chemistry by Crichton, R.The importance of metals in biology, the environment and medicine has become increasingly evident over the last twenty five years. The study of the multiple roles of metal ions in biological systems, the rapidly expanding interface between inorganic chemistry and biology constitutes the subject called Biological Inorganic Chemistry. The present text, written by a biochemist, with a long career experience in the field (particularly iron and copper) presents an introduction to this exciting and dynamic field. The book begins with introductory chapters, which together constitute an overview of the concepts, both chemical and biological, which are required to equip the reader for the detailed analysis which follows. Pathways of metal assimilation, storage and transport, as well as metal homeostasis are dealt with next. Thereafter, individual chapters discuss the roles of sodium and potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, copper, nickel and cobalt, manganese, and finally molybdenum, vanadium, tungsten and chromium. The final three chapters provide a tantalising view of the roles of metals in brain function, biomineralization and a brief illustration of their importance in both medicine and the environment. Relaxed and agreeable writing style. The reader will not only fiind the book easy to read, the fascinating anecdotes and footnotes will give him pegs to hang important ideas on. Written by a biochemist. Will enable the reader to more readily grasp the biological and clinical relevance of the subject. Many colour illustrations. Enables easier visualization of molecular mechanisms Written by a single author. Ensures homgeneity of style and effective cross referencing between chapters
CONTENT: Comprehensive collection of the most-cited, peer-reviewed journals in the chemical and related sciences, serving scientific communities worldwide. They cover, but are not limited to, the following disciplines: Agriculture, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Applied Biotechnology, Microbiology, Chemical Engineering, Chemical Information, Chemistry (General), Clinical Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Crystallography, Energy and Fuel, Environmental Science, Food Science and Technology, Inorganic Chemistry, Materials Science, Medicinal Chemistry, Nanoscience, Organic Chemistry, Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Physical Chemistry, Polymer Science, Theoretical Chemistry, and Toxicology.
RESOURCE TYPES: Peer-reviewed journal articles.
COVERAGE: 40 journals plus Chemical & Engineering News, and the ACS Symposium Series.
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RESOURCE TYPES: Scholarly and popular articles from newspapers, magazines, and journals. Books are full-text in the fields of health and business.
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RESOURCE TYPES: Scholarly journals and monographs.
COVERAGE: Over 1,000 scholarly journals and other scholarly content, from the earliest issues (many in the late 1800s) to within 3-5 years of current publication. Collections: Arts & Sciences I Collection, Arts & Sciences II Collection, Arts & Sciences III Collection, Arts & Sciences VII Collection, Nineteenth-Century Literature and The William and Mary Quarterly.
CONTENT: Browse journal titles from A-Z, by discipline or conduct a topic search in the fields of: Health Sciences, Life and Biomedical Sciences, Materials Science and Engineering, and Social Science and Humanities.
RESOURCE TYPES: Scholarly journal articles.
COVERAGE: Provides full-text access to 389 journals; updated monthly.