Overview of Collection:
Documents the creation of the Institute of Franciscan History & Life in 1991 that was renamed the Institute for Contemporary Franciscan Life in 1992. Includes all course materials from the 9 courses. There are two VHS tapes promoting the program.
Saint Francis Colleges’ Institute for Contemporary Franciscan Life responds to the expressed educational and spiritual needs of the Secular Franciscan Order. The focus of the program is independent adult learning and distance education for those involved in the Franciscan life.
Inclusive Dates: 1991-2015
Bulk Dates: 1991-1998
Linear feet: [A2-01-32] archival ½ box / [A2-01-33] archival box / [A2-01-34] archival box / [A2-02-12] record center box / [A2-02-13] record center box / [A2-02-14] record center box
Language of materials: English
Scope and Content Note
- One folder containing correspondence from 1991-1998, some meeting minutes, Executive Summary Proposed Franciscan Studies Correspondence Program and Time line from February 1991 to September 1992. Includes list of courses and required textbooks.
- Institute for Contemporary Franciscan Life Saint Francis College of Pennsylvania. 12 page brochure when Fr. Michael Higgins was the ICFL Coordinator. 10x6. (3 copies)
- Institute for Contemporary Franciscan Life. Information flyer with application on back. 8 ½ x14. (3 copies)
- [Proposal] The Pennsylvania State University. The Graduate School College of Education. Documentation and Evaluation of the Curricular Decisions Pertaining to the First Course Offered by The Institute for Contemporary Franciscan Life. A theses in curriculum and instruction by Therese’ Ann Wachter Ream. 8 ½ x 11.
- Documentation and Evaluation of the Curricular Decisions Pertaining to the First Course Offered by The Institute for Contemporary Franciscan Life. A theses in curriculum and instruction by Therese’ Ann Wachter Ream. 1995. Bound dissertation. 310 pages. 6 ¾ x 9.
- FRAN 201 Franciscan Gospel Living in the Contemporary World. 8 ½ x 11 Spiral bound, 12 lessons.
- FRAN 201 Franciscan Gospel Living in the Contemporary World. Supplemental Readings. 8 ½ x 11 Spiral bound.
- FRAN 202 The Franciscans: A Family History. 8 ½ x 11 spiral bound
- FRAN 202 The Franciscans: A Family History. Supplemental Readings. 8 ½ x 11 spiral bound
- FRAN 204 Franciscan Spirituality. 8 ½ x 11 spiral bound.
- FRAN 204 Franciscan Spirituality. Supplemental Readings Volume I. 8 ½ x 11 spiral bound.
- Saint Francis College “Continuing Education” VHS tape (dubbed 17Jan1994) dated 6/23/1998
- Institute for Contemporary Franciscan Life Promotional VHS tape dated 6/2/2010
- FRAN 206 Clare of Assisi: Her Life and Writings. 8 ½ x 11 spiral bound.
- FRAN 206 Clare of Assisi: Her Life and Writings. Supplemental Readings. 8 ½ x 11 spiral bound.
- FRAN 207 Franciscan Prayer. 8 ½ x 11 spiral bound.
- FRAN 207 Franciscan Prayer. Supplemental Readings. 8 ½ x 11 spiral bound.
- FRAN 310 Health Care in the Franciscan Tradition. 8 ½ x 11 spiral bound.
- FRAN 310 Health Care in the Franciscan Tradition. Supplemental Readings. 8 ½ x 11 spiral bound.
- FRAN 400 Franciscan Servant Leadership. 8 ½ x 11 three-ring binder
- FRAN 401 St. Francis of Assisi, An Introduction. 8 ½ x 11 spiral bound.
- FRAN 402 The Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order: Origins, Development, Interpretation. 8 ½ x 11 spiral bound.
A 2-02-12
- Institute for Contemporary Franciscan Life 2007 Advisory Board Meeting packet
- FRAN 201: Franciscan Gospel Living in the Contemporary World - Grading Sheets
- FRAN 201: Franciscan Gospel Living in the Contemporary World - copy set
- FRAN 201: Franciscan Gospel Living in the Contemporary World - original copies of readings (1 of 2)
- FRAN 201: Franciscan Gospel Living in the Contemporary World - original copies of readings (2 of 2)
- FRAN 202: History - photocopy set
- FRAN 202: History - supplemental Readings
- FRAN 204: Franciscan Spirituality - study guide copy set
- FRAN 204: Franciscan Spirituality - excerpts from Cook’s book
- FRAN 204: Franciscan Spirituality - supplemental readings volume 1
- FRAN 204: Franciscan Spirituality - supplemental readings volume 2
- FRAN 206: Clare of Assisi: her life and writings - copy set
- FRAN 206: Clare of Assisi: her life and writings – readings to be put on Blackboard
- FRAN 206: Clare of Assisi: her life and writings – complete set of readings
- FRAN 206: Clare of Assisi: A Biographical Study (Lesson 3 pg. 221-241)
- Correspondence – Registrations - Expenses 2015
- Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 2007-2011
A 2-02-13
- ICFL Faculty: Fr. Maurice J. Carmody
- Reader/Instructor: Sr. Ilia Delio, OSF
- Reader/Instructor: Sr. Roberta Marie Doneth, OSF (Sr. Bobbie)
- R/I Biography: Sr. Roberta Marie Doneth, OSF (Sr. Bobbie)
- Reader/Instructor: Frances Teresa Dowing, OSC (for FRAN 206/207)
- Reader/Instructor: Bill Duryea (2)
- Development of pilgrimage course by Fr. Mike
- R/I Bio: Higgins
- Reader/Instructor: Diane Jamison
- Reader/Instructor: Sr. Diane Jamison, OSF
- Sister Thea Krause (RLST 396 Instructor)
- Reader/Instructor: Fr. Patrick McCloskey
- Sr. Roberta McKelvie contract and biography
- Dr. Patrick Mendes, SFO
- Materials for Patrick Mendes – as instructor (FRAN 310)
- R/I Bio: Miller
- School of Franciscan Studies at the Franciscan Institute Academic Programs 2006-2007 brochure
- Paula Pearce, SFO (R/I, Canterbury, Kent)
- R/I Bio: Peterson
- R/I Bio: Petrikovic
- Faculty: Queally, Tor Fr. Kevin Admin Papers
- R/I Bio: Ream, David
- Therese Ream
- Instructor Bret Thoman
- R/I Bio: Tickerhoof
- Faculty: Ed Zablocki
- R/I Bio: Bourque
- Thomas Nairn, OFM author-FRAN 310
- Sr. Nancy Celaschi, OSF (former board member)
- Bro. Keith Warner, OFM
- FRAN 207 – Franciscan Prayer copy set
- FRAN 207 – supplemental readings
- Studies in Spirituality (FRAN 207 Ch. 6 “further reading”)
- FRAN 310 – Healthcare in the Franciscan Tradition – Fr. Thomas Nairn
- FRAN 310 – Healthcare course on BlackBoard (Laurie Grosik project)
- FRAN 310 copy set for printed format only
- FRAN 310 – supplemental readings
- FRAN 400 – Franciscan Servant Leadership guide
- FRAN 400 – Handbook for Secular Franciscan Servant Leadership (2010 edition)
- FRAN 401 - Francis of Assisi Course Study Guide
- Praying with Clare of Assisi by Ramona Miller and Ingrid Peterson
- FRAN 401 – copyright permission “Praying with Clare of Assisi”
- The Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order: Origins, Development, Interpretation
- Correspondence regarding search for Fr. Robert Stewart’s book
- M.E. Minutes, Reports, Papers
- ICFL II – Mission Statement/Goals/Objectives, Franciscan Goals of Higher Education, Course Offerings, Authors, Instructors, Advisory Board
- Institute for Contemporary Franciscan Life correspondence, etc. 2008-2011
A 2-02-14
- Budget: 5204 (Advertising)
- ICFL Account Numbers
- Salary Administrative
- Budget: 5269 (Conventions)
- Budget: 5466 (Meals)
- Budget: 5535 (Photocopies)
- Budget: 5538 (Postage)
- Budget: 5596 (Computer/Equipment)
- Budget: 5600 (Special Projects)
- Budget: 5610-5454 (Instructional Supplies)
- Budget: 5238 (Books and Subscriptions)
- Budget: 5297 (Dues)
- Budget: 5632 (Travel)
- Online Arrangement with St. Mary Hospital/Mayo Clinic Sr. Ramona Miller, Administrator
- Revenue: Tuition
- Budget: Restricted Funds 2001-present
- Revenue and Expense Details
- Scholarships
- Budget: Scholarships
- Budget: Restricted Funds 1995-2000
- Restricted Funds
- Revenue: On-going Formation
- Prison Ministry accounting details 2009-present
- Financial Details period ending 06-30-2013
- Financial Details period ending 06-30-2012
- Financial Details period ending 06-30-2011
- Financial Details period ending 06-30-2010
- ICFL Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 7/1/08-6/30-09
- Department of Inst Contemp Fran Life Monthly Expenditure Report 07/08-13eoy2008
- Summary of Correcting Entries submitted for ICFL Expenses Fiscal Year ending 6/30/08
- ICFL Projected Revenue and Expense July 2007-June 2008
- Scholarship Reports 2007
- ICFL Scholarship Fund activity through 6/30/07
- Operation Budget Request Form Fiscal year 2008-2009
- ICFL budget correspondence
- ICFL Revenue and Expense July 2005-June 2006
- ICFL Financial Accounting 6/30/05
- ICFL Revenue and Expense July 2004-June 2005
- Scholarships Granted March 2004
- Accounting of Actual Expenses 2000-2004
- ICFL Financial Accounting 6/30/04
- ICFL Revenue and Expense July 2003-June 2004
- Accounting of Actual Expenses 2000-2004 for Budgetary Planning Purposes
- Year-end reports for 2001, 2002, 2003
- Restricted Fund Accounts 1995
- 2003-2004 Figures including Tuition Revenue
- ICFL Budget July 2002-June 2003
- Restricted Gift Report April. July 2003
- ICFL Expense Accounts July 1, 2002 thru May 31, 2003
- Directives for the Integration of The Institute for Contemporary Franciscan Life into Saint Francis University 2006-2007
- Advisory Board List
- Budget: Scholarships
- Budget: Restricted Funds 1995-2000
- Restricted Funds
- Revenue: On-going Formation
- Prison Ministry accounting details 2009-present
- Dissolution of Advisory Board 6-30-12
- Letters to prospective ICFL Advisory Board Members
- Advisory Board Member Mary Frances Flynn, OSC
- Advisory Board Member Anne Bremmer
- Advisory Board Member Michael Lasky, OFM Conv.
- Advisory Board Member Sr. Dianne Short, OSC
- Regis Armstrong, OFM resignation from Board
- ICFL 2008 Advisory Board Dinner/Meeting flyer
- 2008 Advisory Board Meeting
- Minutes of the 2008 ICFL Advisory Board Meeting
- ICFL 2008 Advisory Board Meeting packet
- 2007 Advisory Board meeting follow-up mailings
- Pertaining to 2007 Board meeting – draft of minutes, final version of minutes
- ICFL Advisory Board meeting 2007 agenda
- Fiscal Year ending 6/30/07 Reports
- 2010 Advisory Board/Executive Committee Meeting
- July 2009 Board Minutes
- 2008 ICFL Advisory Board Meeting Action Items
- 2006 – Additions to ICFL Program
- ICFL Advisory Board Meeting for 2006 packet
- 2006 Action Items from Board Meeting
- Advisory Board Business 2006
- ICFL Advisory Board Meeting for 2005 packet
- 2005 Board Meeting
- Instructor Handbook
- Scholarship: Requirements
- Scholarship Fund: Contributions
- Registrations 2013-2014
- Registrations 2012-2013
- Registrations 2011-2012
- Registrations 2010-2011
- Student Grades Lists 7/1/13-6/30/14
- Student Grades Lists 7/1/12-6/30/13
- Student Grades Lists 7/1/2011-6/30/12
- Student Grades Lists 7/1/2010-6/30/2011
- Class Lists July 08 – June 09
- Registration Records for Period 7/1/07-6/30/08
- Registration Records for Period 7/1/05-6/30/06
- Instructor Payments for period ending 5/1/13
- Instructor Payments for period ending 5/31/12
- Instructor Payments for period ending 5/15/11
- Instructor Payments for period ending 5/15/10
- Instructor Payments for period ending 4/30/06
- ICFL Faculty: Contracts
- Reader/Instructors Contracts and Payment Summaries pay period ending 4/30/03
- ICFL Contracts for 2002
- Contracts for Course Revisions
- Faculty Contracts – Course Authors, Reader/Instructors
- Site License Format
- Site License Pilot Program – Philippines
- Class Lists period ending 6.30.15
- Class Lists period ending 6.30.14
- Class Lists period ending 6/30/12
- Archive – Student Grade Lists for period ending 6/30/10
- Archive – Student Grade Lists for period ending 6/30/06
- Archive – Student Grade List by course – enrollment activity up to 6-30-05
- A Summer Seminar Endorsed by the National Executive Council of the SFO 2009
- 3rd Annual Summer SFO Seminar 2010
- 4th Annual Summer SFO Seminar 2011
- Finding Our History: A Dramatization of the History of the Secular Franciscan Order in the United States 1917-2007
- 6th Annual Summer Seminar for Secular Franciscans 2014
None, these materials are available upon request.
These materials were processed by and inventory was written by Barbara Doll. The inventory was last updated on December 6, 2017. New items added by Carol Stoltz on August 20,2020.
Location: A2-01-32 / A2-01-33 / A2-01-34 / A2-02-12 / A2-02-13 / A2-02-14