Interlibrary Loan Help

Information on the new Interlibrary Loan System

Welcome to Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loan (ILL) is the service that gives you access to the resources of other libraries. You can use ILL to borrow books and media and get PDFs of articles and book chapters. 


SFU Library patrons log into the Interlibrary System with an existing library account (your SFU username and password) to create and manage interlibrary loan requests.


Interlibrary loan cannot be used for eBooks or e-Videos.  If you need a chapter out of an eBook, we can usually get that for you.  It is not ideal to order your textbooks through this service.  We cannot guarantee that you will have the book for the entire semester for your class. Most libraries only lend the book for 1 month with the ability to renew it for 1 more month. 



 If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our Interlibrary Loan Staff at or call 472-3155.