Interlibrary Loan Help

Information on the new Interlibrary Loan System

What is the cost for using ILL?

The University covers the cost of providing this service which fulfills research needs. The costs include fees sometimes charged by lending libraries, the Tipasa electronic ILL system, shipping of materials between libraries, staff expenses, shipping supplies, etc

What types of items can I request?

Physical pieces such as books, DVDs/VHS, music CDs and audio books. Most journal articles are delivered in electronic format.

Is it guaranteed that I will receive my request?

There are no guarantees about the item being available for you to use. Do NOT rely on interlibrary loan to provide materials which are required for courses.

How long does it take?

Articles usually take a few days but may be delivered electronically within a few hours if the Library has access to the specific article. Physical items, which need to be shipped can take a week or longer.

How long can I have something that I receive?

Electronically delivered articles can be downloaded and saved for future use. Loan periods for books, DVDs, and other physical items are usually 4 weeks.

How do I renew an item?

When you receive an e-mail that your item is almost due, you will need to log into your ILL account. Click on 'Checked Out Items'. Click on the transaction number of the item you wish to renew. There is a Renew button at the top of the page. Click on 'Renew' and your request will be sent for renewal. It is up to the lending library to approve your request.

  • Please note: The system will generate a default new due date. The lending library may deny your renewal request or set a different due date than the system generated default.

Is it possible to borrow ebooks?

At this time libraries are unable to share e-books through interlibrary loan.  If there is a specific chapter of the book that you would like, libraries can fill this type of request.